Donna Gentile, a runaway who turned to prostitution and was coerced into becoming a police criminal informant, was found brutally murdered in June of 1985. As the suspected victim of a police cover-up, Donna's life and murder is a compelling true crime story.
People are drawn to true crime stories for reasons that they may not be able to explain. If you like true crime stories, you are not alone. Learn more about why people read true crime so that you can more fully appreciate your desire to familiarize yourself with the Donna Gentile story.
- If you have been making and selling jewelry and you want to choose ecologically-friendly products, there are different options you can purchase and try to see if they meet your style and product needs. Choosing such environmentally beneficial products can also attract more people to buy from you, too. You can get the right materials without having to sacrifice the quality and styles for your pieces. Here are some options to start buying and using.
- Whether you are new to recreational or medical marijuana use or if you have been consuming cannabis products for a long time now, you will probably find that a good marijuana directory site can provide you with a lot of useful and helpful information. Of course, the information that you will find will depend on the site that you use, but these are a few examples of the types of information that you can usually find on one of these sites.
- Are you part of a city planning team? If so, maybe you are on a committee that works on beautifying your town. The next project on your agenda might be to have the town's main water tower painted. You and the others on the city council or on the town's committee that focuses on beautifying your area probably decided that having your town's tower painted to add interest to the entrance of your town and to build town pride.
- Aero engine transportation stands are important in the aero industry. These types of stands are used to hold and support the weight of aircraft engines once they are removed from a plane. Then, a mechanic can look over the engine and make the needed repairs. Due to their weight and size, the stands are needed to securely hold and support the weight of the engine, while keeping the mechanics safe. However, while every stand serves the same main purpose, each stand is slightly different.